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A selection of Thomas Satterwhite Noble oil paintings, both publicly and privately owned.
A selection of Thomas Satterwhite Noble oil paintings, both publicly and privately owned.
John Brown's Blessing (1867)
Depicts the historical event of John Brown blessing a baby while on his way to execution. Oil on canvas. 84 x 60. Owned by the New York Historical Society.
Girl With a Laurel Wreath (1879)
Painting of Mary Rosamond Noble, daughter of artist. Oil on Canvas. 18 x 20. Private Family Collection.
Blind Man of Paris (1895)
Blind man of Paris. Oil on Canvas. 35 x 45. Owned by Yale University Art Gallery.
The Sibyl (1896)
The Sybil. Oil on canvas. Owned by the Greenville County Museum of Art, South Carolina.
Forgiven (1872)
Forgiven. Oil on canvas. 50 x 65. Owned by the Johnson Collection, South Carolina.
Mice and Walnuts (not dated)
Mice and Walnuts. Oil on Wood. 5 x 10. Private family collection.
Price of Blood (1868)
Slave owner selling his slave son. Oil on Canvas. Owned by the Morris Museum of Art - Augusta.
View Across Gravesend Bay to Seagate (1905)
Seascape. Oil on Canvas. 14 x 18. Private collection
Modern Medea (1867)
The fugitive slave Margaret Garner is standing over the body of her dead child, glaring in fury at her white captors. Oil on board. Owned by the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.
The Polish Exile (1882)
Polish Jew in exile. Oil on Canvas. 48 x 38. Private ownership.
Study head (1866)
Study head of the woman kneeling before John Brown, in John Brown's Blessing (1866). Oil on Canvas. 12 x 14. Private family owned.
Froggy He a Wooing Go (1869)
Based on song, "Froggy He a Wooing Go" and painted for the Mary Caroline, wife of the artist. Oil on Canvas. 6 x 10. Privately family owned.
Last Sale of the Slaves (1870)
Depicts the last sale of the slaves on the St. Louis courthouse steps. Smaller rendition of original Noble painting completed in 1865. Oil on canvas. Missouri Historical Society.
Cleaning Antiques (about 1885)
Cleaning Antiques. Oil on canvas. 66 x 60. Privately owned.
Boats in Venice (date unknown)
Old Venice. Oil on Belgium linen. 10 x16. Privately family owned.